menopur和gonal f可以混一起打,如果你也是我这种multi dose自己配的gonal f,可以和menopur混一起打哦!每天少打一针少一个针眼也是极好的~而且menopur单独打有点疼,和gonal f混一起反而没那么疼了。当然,配好的那种gonal f就不好操作了。
这个有点争议,有人说最好不要贴暖宝宝之类的。我中英文网站都查了下,两种声音都有。我又问了我们诊所两个护士注射完可以贴暖宝宝吗,得到absolutely yes和completely ok的答案。可以先看一下自己是不是易肿体质,是了话再自己权衡吧。
Essentially, you would use the GONAL-F as liquid to MIX the menop
ur, then add an ADDITIONAL 0.5mL of the mixing liquid that comes with the menopur. So you inject it all into the menopur vial, and then draw it all out of there for ONE injection.
1) Draw up Gonal-F dose
2) Inject Gonal-F into the vial of menopur powder
3) Draw up 0.5mL of the menopur mixing liquid
4) Inject 0.5mL mixing liquid into menopur vial
5) Draw injection from menopur vial using the menopur needle/syringe and use that as ONE injection.
#试管之路[话题]# #第三代试管婴儿[话题]#